Renewable Energies & Energy Recovery
Wind Power Plants: Aerodynamic Analysis, Development and Optimization (Software Tool Developed for Automatic Blade Profile Optimization)
Ground Heat: Analysis, Design and Optimization of Bore Hole Heat Exchangers
Thermoelectric Generators: Development of Cooling Concepts

Streamlines Around a Wind Turbine Blade

Pressure Distribution on Pressure and Suction Sides of a Wind Turbine Blade

Automatic Aerodynamic Blade Shape Optimization: Velocity Field Around Non-Optimized (above) and Optimized (below) Blade

Savonius Rotor: Velocity Field

Spiral Borehole Heat Exchanger for Ground Heat Utilization

Temperature Field in a Vertical Cross Section (Spiral Borehole Heat Exchanger)

Temperature Field in a Horizontal Cross Section (Spiral Borehole Heat Exchanger)

Thermoelectric Energy Utilization: Streamlines in Cold Side Heat Exchanger (Double Meander)

Thermoelectric Energy Utilization: Velocity Field in Cold Side Heat Exchanger (Double Meander)