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Supervised Work


Ph.D. Thesis (completed):

1. Markos  Cagan, Modelling of Flow and Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine Secondary Air Systems,
  (in co-peration with Istanbul Technical University, Prof. D. Gunes), 2008.

2. Erhan Turan, Analysis of Coupled Physics Problems Using Adaptive Multi-Level Techniques,

  (in co-operation with Bosphorus University, Prof. A. Ecder), 2010.


3. Erman Aslan, Lattice Boltzmann Method Based Analysis of External Aerodynamics,
  (in co-operation with Sakarya University, Prof. I. Taymaz), 2012.

4. Fethi Gül, Analysis of Blood Flow in Human Aorta,
  (in co-operation with Helmut Schmidt University, Prof. F. Joos), 2018.

5. Sohail Iqbal, Modelling of Turbulent Swirling Flows in Gas Turbine Combustors, 2018.   

    (in co-operation with Helmut-Schmidt University, Prof. F. Joos).

6. Björn Pfeiffelmann, Efficient Cooling Concepts for Thermoelectric Generators for Waste Heat Recovery, 2022.

    (in co-operation with Helmut-Schmidt University, Prof. F. Joos).

7. Cansu Deniz Canal, Computational Investigation of Co-Firing of Biomass with Coal, 2022.

    (in co-operation with Technical University of Istanbul, Prof. Böke)

Ph.D. Thesis (continuing):
8. Ali Nahavandi, Development of a Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Code for Turbulent Internal Flows,

9. Michael Diederich, Artificial Intelligence Based Prediction Methods in Fluid Mechanics.

Diploma / M.Sc. / B.Sc.Thesis:

1. Modelling of Fuel Jet Dispersion in a Large Bore Diesel Engine by a Multi-Zone Approach,1997.

2. Computational Investigation of Non-Combusting and Combusting Sprays, 1998.

3. Computational Optimisation of Cooling Systems in Metal Processing, 1999.
4. Vibration Analysis as a Procedure for Preventive and Predictable Maintenance at the FORD-Werke AG Cologne, 1999.
5. Optimization and Standardization of Laboratory Sewage Plants for Biological Phosphate,Nitrogen and Carbon Elimination, 2000.
6. Computer Simulation of the Flow in Tangentially Fired Furnaces, 2001.
7. Computation of Heat Transfer in the Shafts of Hot Gas Delivering Ventilators, 2001.
8. Computer Simulation of the Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Liquid Metal Transportation Pot, 2001
9. 3D-FEM Analysis for Determining the Thermomechanical Behaviour of Gas Turbine Housings in Cooperation with SIEMENS PG, 2002.
10. Simulation of the Flow in Turbomachine Component Parts, 2003.
11. Determination of Heat Removal Characteristics by Spray Cooling, 2003.

12. Development of Computational Principles for Design of Chill Moulds under Consideration of Shrinkage Behaviour of  Different Steels, 2004.

13. Experimental Investigation of Low-NOx Combustion of Low Calorific Value Gases via COSTAIR Burner, 2004.

14. Investigation of Different Slip and Friction Correlations in Two-Phase Flow, for Use in Power Plant Simulations, 2004.

15. Modelling of Heterogeneous Catalytic Decomposition Reactions of Minor Components in Landfill Gas, 2005.
16. Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Jets Impinging on Rotating Disks, 2005.
17. Flow Characteristics of an Annular Cascade with Inhomogeneous Inflow based on 3D Navier-Stokes Calculations, 2005.

18. Validation Computations for the Assessment of the CFD Software FoamX, 2005.
19. Drag Coefficient Prediction for Flows around Bluff Bodies, 2006.
20. Numerical Investigation of the Pressure Loss Behavior and the Decay of Swirl in Swirling Pipe Flows, 2007.
21. Numerical Prediction of Flow around a Passenger Car and Comparison with Experiments, 2007.
22. Thermodynamic Analysis of a Vacuum Pump and Optimization of the Cooling, 2007.
23. Numerical Investigation of Flow through Control Valves, 2008.
24. Optimization of Flow and Temperature Distribution in the Evaporator of a Coal Fired Benson Utility Boiler, 2008.
25. Detailed Energy Balance of a Rotary Furnace, 2008.

26. Analysis of Using of Different Fuels for an Existing Steam Generator Considering Environmental Boundary Conditions, 2008.
27. Computational Investigation of the Influence of Rotor Blade Thickness on Performance of Process Gas Radial Turbines, 2008.
28. A Comparative Study of Innovative Power Plant Processes with CO2-Capturing, 2009
29. Numerical Analysis of Blood Flow in Human Body, 2009.
30. Validation of Turbulence Models to Predict Laminar-Turbulence Transition, 2010.
31. Development and Numerical Implementation of a Mathematical Model to Predict Flow Patterns of Effusion Cooling, 2010.
32. Numerical Optimisation of the Flow in a High Pressure Gas Turbine including the Shrouds and the Cooling Air Flow, 2010.
33. Numerical Optimisation of the Meridional Contouring of a Steam Turbine Control Stage, 2010.
34. Design of a Multi-Zone Cooling for Aluminum Cold Roll Plants, 2010.
35. Heat Transfer in Spray Cooling, 2011.
36. Experimental Analysis of Rotary Screw Compressors, 2011.

37. Development of a Guideline for Measurements on Potentially Radiation Contaminated Vehicles, 2011.

38. Influence of Motor Tuning Measures on the Exhaust Gas Composition of Passanger Cars with Diesel Motors, 2012.
39. Investigations for the Integration of a 5-MW Furnace in the Existing Infrastructure of the Gaswärme-Institut e.V. Essen, 2012.
40. Development of a Supersonic Oxyfuel Burner, 2012.
41. Mathematical Modelling of Diesel-Spray Oxy-Fuel Supersonic Combustion, 2012.
42. Numerical Modelling of Oxy-Fuel Combustion in Turbulent Diffusion Flames, 2012.
43. Reaction Kinetics Analysis of Natural Gas Diffusion Flames using Pure Oxygen as Oxidant, 2012.

44. CFD-Analysis and Optimization of Small Wind Turbine Blade Design, 2012.

45. Influence of Sulphur-Rich Coal on Gas Cleaning, 2013.

46. Numerical Simulation of Cooling of Forged Metal Pieces on Conveyor Belt, 2013.
47. Solar Chimney Power Plants: Computational Analysis and Comparison of Different Concepts, 2013.
48. Simulation of Indoor Ventilation, 2014.
49. Improvement of a Tribology Test Rig by Implementation of Electrodynamic Actuators, 2014.  
50. Experimental Investigation on Transfer of Nanoparticles in a Liquid Dispersion, 2014.
51. Calculation of Unsteady Flows in Pipe Networks, 2015

52. Investigation of Noise Emission for DIfferent Frame Variants on a Shaker, 2015.

53. Technical Comparison of an Auxiliary Power Unit with a CMFI Jet Engine and Troubleshooting, 2015.

54. Development of a Calculation Tool for Evaluation of Automobile Exhaust Systems, 2015.

55. Develoopment and Implementation of a Torsion Simulator for Measuring the Stiffness of a Car Body, 2015.
56. Construction and Implementation of a Horizontal 3-Phase Slip-Stick Test Rig, 2015.

57. CFD Based Determination of the Optimal Operation Point of a Flettner-Rotor Equipped Small Wind Turbine, 2015.

58. Investigation of the Aero-Acoustic Noise Sources on Small Wind Turbines based on BEM, 2016.

59. Energy Related Refurbishment of Bulidings, 2016.

60. Simulation of Boiling Effects in Forced Convection Cooling, 2016.

61. Energy Efficiency and Emissions Control in Foundry Indusrty, 2016.

62. Definition and Evaluation of Guidelines for Lamella Separators, 2016.

63. Experimental and Computational Investigation of a Procedure for the Thermal Design of Electronic Components, 2016.
64. Analysis of the Spanish Textile Industry on the Example of Inditex, 2017.

65. Optimization of a High Pressure Heat Exchanger, 2017.

66. Analysis of Systems for Production and Machine Data Acquisition with Implementation for an Existing Machinery, 2017.

67. Analysis of Condensation and Wet Electrostatic Precipitators for Fine Dust Removal from the Flue Gas of Waste Incinerators, 2017.

68. Evaluation of the Role of Brown Coal for Germany including Luqifaction and Gasification, 2017.

69. Development and Application of Software for Heat Exchanger Design, 2017

70. Numerical Analysis of River Flow for Assessment of Flood Risk, 2017.

71. Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer in an Aluminum Floating Strip Annealing Furnace, 2017.

72. Structural Dynamic Analysis of Coupled Elastic Components in Thermal Turbomachinery Applications, 2017.

73. Renewable Energies in Competition with Conventional Energy Sources -Technical, Economical and Ecological Aspects, 2017.

74. Modelling of Two-Phase Flow in a Gaslift Loop Reactor for Biogas Fermentation, 2017.

75. Numerical Modelling of Scouring at Bridge Piers, 2017.

76. Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in Laminar Flow in Pipes, 2017.

77. Autumobile Market of United States of America - Sales Analysis based on Consumption, Usage and Cost Factors, 2018.

78. Efficiency Improvement for the Maintenance and New Fabrication of RollerRacks of Continuous Casting Lines, 2018.

79. Integration of Modern Technologies within Industry 4.0 for Capacity Increase of the Assembly Line for Frame and Substructure Construction, 2018.

80. Concept Development for Quick-Cooling Technology for Haushold Refrigerator-Freezers, 2018.

81. Business Model Development for an Effective Compensation of the Balancing Group within the Market and Electricity System, 2018.

82. Validation and Optimization of a Thermal CFD Model of an Exhaust Gas Recirculation Unit, 2018.

83. Modelling of Turbulent Flow over a Surface with Technical Roughness, 2018.

84. Numerical Modelling of the Rhein river with respect to Flood Risks in Düsseldorf, 2018.

85. Optimization Concepts for the Automation and Digitization of Unmanned Transport Systems, 2018.
86. Aeroacoustics Simulation of the Rotor Blades of a Wind Turbine for the Investigation of the Noise Sources by NAFNoise, 2018.

87. Implementation of a Passive Liquid Cooling System in a High-Volt Battery System, 2018.

88. Energy Consumption Analysis of the Property Cochem Brauheck with Respect to Renewable Energy Usage, 2018.

89. Optimization of Exhaust System in a Slag Breakout Station using Push-Pull Technology, 2018.

90. Analysis and Evaluation of Piston Ring Contours by Developing the Optical Measurement Methods to Improve Product Quality, 2018.

91. Development, Implemenation and Validation of Simplified Cable Models for Finite Element Method simulations, 2018.

92. Analysis and Validation of a Cowpermodel, 2018.

93. Improving the Accuracy of Power Measurements on a Thermodynamical Test Rig, 2018.

94. Modelling of an Inclined Rotating Tubular Fixed Bed Reactor and Identification of Novel Process Windows - A CFD Study, 2018.

95. Minimization of Flow Noise on Pressure Sensor in a Proportional Pressure Control Valve, 2018.

96. Optimization of the Cooling of a Thermoelectric Generator, 2019.

97. Measurement and Simulation of a Vertical Axis Small Wind Turbine in a Wind Tunnel, 2019.

98. Analysis and Optimization of Material Flow, Source Provision and Maintenance, 2019.

99. Evaluation of Concepts for Combined Usage of a Rain Water Cistern for Storing Heat and Watering, 2019.

100. Technological and Economical Infrastructure Analysis for Hydrogen Based Mobility in Germany, 2020.

101. Experimental Investigation of a Biomass Furnace and Optimization of its Control, 2020.

102. Methods for Calculating Equivalent Sand Roughness, 2020.

103. Feasibility Analysis for PTC Powered Cold Storage for a Location in India, 2020.

104. A Concept for an Infrastructure for Cleaning Decentralized Sewage Plants in Uganda, 2020.

105. Validation of Grid-Free Fluid Simulation Results and Design of Cooling Concepts for Electrical Machines and Drive Systems, 2020.

106. Numerical Investigation of Friction Laws for Laminar and Turbulent Flow in Undulated Channels, 2020.

107. Measurement and Optimization of the Cooling Brine System in Acrylonitrite Producing Plants, 2020.

108. Development of a Concept for Cooling the Components of a Speed Measuring Instrument, 2020.

109. Economic Theories of Int. Trade between Bilateralism and Multilatelarism on the Example of Political Influence on Foreign Trade and Exch. Rates, 2021.

110. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Screw Extrusion Additive Manufacturing, 2021.

111. Numerical Investigation of Convection in Vertical Annular Gap with Rotation, 2021.

112. Numerical Simulation of Blade Coating in Paper Processing, 2021.

113. Investigation into the Flow Phenomena in the Vestibular System of the Inner Ear, 2021.

114. Development of a Measuring Procedure for Exhaust Gas Analysis, 2021.

115. Development of Concepts for the Utilization of Wind Energy in Desert Regions, 2021.

116. Investigation of the Economy and Ecology of a Biomass Furnace with Cogeneration, 2021.

117. Novel Approach of Friction Simulation of the Tribological System Piston-Ring-Cylinder Liner by Using Artificial Generated Surfaces, 2021.

118. Investigation of Oil Dilution in Special Combustion Process -DPF Reg.- for Application and Validation of the Oil Dilution Model for Diesel Engine, 2021.

119. Statistical Analysis of 3D Arbitrary Surface Roughness, 2021.

120. Development of a Marketing Concept for Small Sewage Plants in Uganda, 2022.

121. Development of a Concept for a GIS Based Optimal Positioning of Small Sewage Plants in East Africa, 2022.

122. Neural Network Based Prediction of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Airfoil Flows for CFD-Solver Optimization. 2022.

123. Energy Recovery using TEG in Human Cremation Sites, 2022.

124. Optimization of Isobaric Heat Transfer from an Organic Heat Transfer Fluid, 2022.

125. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Urban Climate Simulations and Their Integration in Augmented-Reality and Web Applications, 2022.

126. Investigation of the Applicability of DIN 45645-1 and VDI 3723 for Long-Term Acoustic Measurements on Wind Power Plants, 2022.

127. Model-based design of the cooling geometry inside shaft of a thermoelectrically tempered motorised spindle, 2022.

128. Status, Goals and Obstacles on the Way to the Smart City, 2023

129, Contribution to the Development of a Biomass Furnace, 2023.

130. Consideration of Regulatory Requirements for the Construction and Operation of a Mobile Fuel Oil-Fired Steam Boiler Plant with Storage Unit, 2023.

131. Market and Industry Analysis with Self-Evaluation of the Research Consortium for the Development of a Biomass Condensing Boiler. 2023.

132. Experimental Investigation and Opimization of an Air-Blast Atomizer, 2023.

133. Development and Planning of a Logistics Concept for the Acceptance and Processing of Activated Carbons from the Drinking Water Sector, 2023.

134. Validation of Various Models for the Rheological Properties of Human Blood, 2024. 

135. Methodology for Quality Optimization in Precision Injection Moulding, 2024.

136. Study on Sorbenrs for Air Humidity and Their Properties, 2024.

137, Experimental Investigation of the Operating Behavior of Ball Screws with 2-Point and 4-Point Contact on a Ball Screw Operating Test Rig, 2024.

138. Optimization of Internal Energy Flows in a Model Laundry based on Pinch Analysis, 2024.

139. Maintenance-oriented design of a rotary heat exchanger for exhaust gas from biomass combustion plants, 2024

140. Numerical Simulation of Filtercake Formation, 2024.

141. Simulation and Optimization of a Rotary Heat Exchanger with Spherical Fill, 2024.

142. Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS): Potential Estimation of the Bozköy Field, Aksaray, Central Türkiye using Monte Carlo Simulation (2025).

Supervised at the University of Stuttgart:

1. Implementation of a Frontal Solution Algorithm for Finite Element Computations, 1982.
2. Application of the Finite Element Method to Navier-Stokes Equations, 1983.
3. A Comparative Study of Finite Element Upwind Schemes, 1983.
4. A Procedure for Bandwidth Minimization for Use in Finite Element Codes, 1987.
5. An Adaptive Finite Element Procedure Applied to Convective-Diffusive Transport Problems, 1988.
6. Automatic Grid Generation for Finite Element Analysis, 1989.







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